=== Social ===
Plugin Name: Social
Contributors: Social Media By Sygnoos
Donate link: https://sygnoos.com/
Tags: social, social follow, social following, social links, social media, social media buttons, social media icons, social media widget, social share, social sharing, social widget, social media, floating buttons, facebook, twitter, social bar, linkedin, pinterest,
Requires at least: 3.8
Tested up to: 4.5
Stable tag: trunk
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
This plugin provides you with many social networks, effects, dozens of themes and many other awesome options to make your page more shareable.
== Description ==
### Social Media
This plugin gives you an opportunity to add social icons to your page and make it shareable. Our plugin provides you with 6 social networks, 12 panel Effects and many other awesome options that can make your work easier and more effective.
In the Pro Version of this plugin you can have 11 social networks, 16 panel Effects and even more, you can choose the images you want to be shared on your website!
You know what's the not-so-good aspect of blogging? It can be tedious and will consume our time quickly like a wildfire burning a forest. What more if you want to encourage readers to share some contents of your blogs to different social media platforms? Well, I have good news for you, it is now possible to do all those tasks with less hassle when using the Social Media Builder. Want to know more about it? I’d be happy to share the details.
Get Social Media PRO package
From simple to fancy but useful, yes, you can transform your website. This plugin will allow you to add social share buttons to your posts. What sets the Social Media Builder aside from the numerous social sharing WordPress plugins is its capability to support the relevant social media platforms that people commonly use. Talking about limitations, well, sky is the limit here as you can add the following social media providers with ease:
* Facebook
* Google Plus
* Pinterest
* Twitter
* LinkedIn
* Email
If you think that you do not have the power to choose which among the social media platforms above to use in your posts, that's not the case here as you can enable or disable each of them. This will give you the freedom to decide which social media sites will best contain a certain blog topic that you will be posting.
Its user-friendly interface will allow even those 'non-techie' individuals to use it comfortably and maximize the benefits that it brings. Also, customizing your site will be an easy and fun experience with the presence of a visual editor where you can enjoy the following functionalities:
* Font Size
* Round Buttons
* Show labels
* Show Counts
* Insert into single button
* Multisite/Network support
* Show buttons on all posts
* 12 Panel Effects
= Social Media - PRO features: =
**Social Media builder PRO comes with the following networks**
* Facebook
* Facebook Like
* Google Plus
* Pinterest
* Twitter
* Twitter Follow
* LinkedIn
* Email
* Whats app
* Reddit
* Tumblr
**Social Media builder PRO functionalities**
* Buttons hover effects
* Icons hover effects
* Floating buttons - Floating Social Bar
* Button's panel customization
* Availability to Share custom image
* 11 Social Button Icons
* 16 Themes
* Insert Social Buttons on custom posts
Get Social Media PRO package
With our Social Media plugin you can also make the icon with background and without background, you can make group icons if you want several social media icons to be added, group icons with share count, you can do an individual and group sizing of icons. This is a really great opportunity to make all the design of the buttons as you wish. All the details can be the way you want them to be, if you use our Social Media plugin!
Our social media plugin provides widgets and shortcodes as well. These features can be used for sharing buttons and placing them to any of your site's widgetized area. It is also possible to tweak the overall appearance and order of your share buttons using them in the social media plugin.
The development of this plugin aims to give an effective WordPress social sharing that will help you to transform your site into a more productive platform beyond what you thought is possible.
Say hello to the next generation of WordPress social media plugins!
### If you think that you found a bug in our Social Media plugin or have any questions, please feel free to contact us at wp-sgmb@sygnoos.com.
### Social Media
== Installation ==
Installation of Social Media
1. Upload 'Social Media' to the '/wp-content/plugins/' directory
1. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
1. Enjoy!
== Frequently Asked Questions ==
Social Media
= What is Social Media for? =
* You can make your pages more shareable adding social icons of our Social Media plugin.
= Do I need to have any programming knowledge to be able to create a Social Media? =
* No, the Social Media is very easy to use. It does almost everything for you. There are all the detailed instructions to use this Social Media plugin.
= How many social network icons can I add? =
* You can add 6 social network icons (Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Google +, Email, Pinterest) in the Free version of our Social Media plugin.
= What URL shall I enter to be shared if I don't want the current URL? =
* You can add the URL of the page which you want to be shared, we have 2 options: share the current page URL and share the URL of the page that you want.
= What can I write on the label of the button? =
* You can write anything you want concerning the page. (For example, if it's the Facebook icon, you can write "Share" or "Like")
= What effects do I get? =
* You can have 12 effects for your panel, 1 effect for buttons hover (12 effects for buttons hover in Pro version), 1 effect for icons hover (12 effects icons hover in Pro version).
= Do I have an opportunity to show social media in every post that I have? =
* Yes! You can make your social media appear in every post that you want to, moreover, you can add a text before sharing the buttons and you can choose the position of the social media button on the page (left, center, right).
= What's Live Preview for =
* Live preview is a great way to make your work social media faster and more comfortable. You can do all the changes and add features to your Social Media and see all the process Live. You don't have to save your work after every single change to see the result.
= What if I select "Toggle dropdown to show buttons" option? =
* If you choose this option the social buttons you have selected will be gathered in one button, you can see all the selected buttons if you press on that one button.
= Why shall I purchase the Pro version of your Social Media? =
* Our free version is very well organized and has many useful options, but you can have many aditional useful options in our Pro version, like 6 more social buttons, you can make floating buttons, you can make your social media be visible on mobile and you'll get 10 more social media themes. Pro version gives you ability of customization of the images on your page. For example, if you share page via facebook, you can select an exact image you want to be shared.
= If I have some problems concerning the Social Media plugin, who can I ask for help? =
* Dear users, if you have any problems concerning our Social Media that you can't solve yourself, you can write to our Support team and our developers will do their best to help you!
= Everything works PERFECT. What do I do? =
* Leave us a good review :)
== Screenshots ==
1. List of Social Buttons screen
2. Create new Social Buttons screen
3. Social Buttons themes screen
4. Social Buttons visual screen
== Changelog ==
= 1.1.6 =
* New option: Align social buttons to center
= 1.1.5 =
* Javascript bug fixed
= 1.1.4 =
* Code cleenup.
* Minor bug fixes.
= 1.1.3 =
* JS improvement.
= 1.1.2 =
* Security issue fixed.
= 1.1.1 =
* UI optimization.
= 1.1.0 =
* Code cleenup.
= 1.0.9 =
* Minor bug fixes.
= 1.0.8 =
* Code cleanup
* Minor bug fixes
= 1.0.7 =
* PinIt image bug fixed in social media.
= 1.0.6 =
* UI bug fixed in Social Media.
= 1.0.5 =
* Bug fixed in live preview section.
= 1.0.4 =
* Bug fixed.
* Code cleenup.
= 1.0.3 =
* Bug fixed.
= 1.0.2 =
* Avalability to add social buttons to post.
* Button Hover effects added.
* Bug fixed.
= 1.0.1 =
* Bug fixed.
= 1.0 =
* Initial commit.
== Upgrade Notice ==
Current version of Social Media is 1.1.6